Authoring e-learning content with the WBT-Framework
Webinar by Nathalie Roth, SWITCH, 16.12.2009
The WBT-Fqramework is an authoring tool widely applied in private industry to create complete e-learning courses, i.e. web based trainings (WBT). It has been developed by CREALOGIX E-Business AG, a company which offers IT- and software solutions and creates e-learning modules.
The WBT-Framework allows authors to create structured content without the prerequisite of having extensive programming experience or XML-knowledge. The tool is based on XML, MS Office InfoPath and Adobe Flash.
The aim of this webinar is to look at the advantages and disadvantages of the WBT-Framework compared to other authoring tools, and to ensue a discussion between e-learning producers of the private industry and e-learning specialists at institutions of higher education.